Saturday, September 12, 2009

How I made my decision

For years, I thought about going back to school and getting a degree, but I was happy with working at a Title Company.  Then the economy went in the crapper, the job was unstable, rent was increasing, so the boyfriend and I made the decision to pack up and move across the state to Spokane.  Giving up the job was hard, even when I knew I could be laid off at anytime, but cost of living was lower, we'd be close to his parents and able to help them in their wonderful garden, and one year have a garden of our very own.

Spring forward almost a year, and I'm working at a company I like, doing a job (or multiple jobs as it is now) that I enjoy, however that company too is suffering the effects of the economy, and one of my co-workers was making life at the company miserable.

So I casually mentioned to the boyfriend, about my dream of going back to school.  He asked for what, and I tenatively mention nursing.  Being the fully supportive guy he's always been, he says go for it.  So we get home and talk to more and start looking at the Community Colleges and Tech Schools for what they offer.  I decide on Spokane Community College, they have what I want, and they aren't to far from where we live and where I work.

So thank you ex co-worker (she's no longer with the company) for helping me make a decision I'm rather proud of making.  Even if you didn't know you helped.

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