Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Additional English Book

Found out today there is an additional book I need for English, its only $15 bux and Barnes and Noble has it.  Its The Art of Racing in the Rain.  In reading what it's about I was excited to see its a book I'd have picked up to read had I seen it.  Hopefully will pick it up tonight and start reading it, for two reasons, 1) I have to, and 2) because I need a new book I haven't read yet.

Other English news, we have to keep a journal.. I hate journals (but yet I started a blog).  There is no subject matter, we can write about anything we like, random thoughts flowing through our heads, the lamp on the desk, how much we hate journal's, the possibilities are endless.  Only requirement is we write, and we have 45 entries by around Thanksgiving.  Does a blog count?  Probably not since it's pretty hard to turn a blog in.

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