Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Updated Grades & Interview

My English grade was updated, hopefully transcripts had not been sent yet.  It's cutting it close, but they said that requests for transcripts at the beginning and the end of the quarter usually take about 2 weeks to process.  Grades were submitted August 23rd, and my request to have transcripts sent specifically asked for them to be done AFTER grades were posted for summer quarter.  It may just work out considering that grades were posted 7 days ago, my grade updated 2 days ago, and if we count only business days for transcripts to be processed than there was 10 days of time allowed for the grade to update.  I'm hoping it reflects the true grade, after I receive confirmation from EWU I may call and see if I can find out what grade they show for that English course and if it is incorrect, get an updated transcript for them.

In other news, I have a job interview tomorrow.  I'm excited and hope it works out.  It is a temporary position until the end of the year, but the last one I had was supposed to be that long (2 months or so) and I was there for 2.75 years.  Who knows what will happen.  Part of me would like to stay home and not have to work, but the other part of me is going a bit stir crazy right now with not much to do.  Of course once school started again I would have plenty to do, but in the mean time there is not a whole lot to be done.  Certainly enjoying spending time with the guy.

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