Monday, November 14, 2011

Unemployed & Loving It

In August I was laid off, but I didn't really freak out.  I'd been working 50+ hours per week most weeks for the past 9 months which oftentimes included a Saturday if not Sunday as well.  It sucked but I loved the job and most of the people there.  Anyway that's besides the point, I was laid off and I was happy.  Wait!  Happy about losing a job??  For the most part I was, it meant I could spend an extra 10 hours a day studying for finals, and spend some much needed time with the man.

I applied for unemployment figuring I'd find a job, but herein lies the mistake with that.  Unemployment Insurance is very difficult to get if you say you are a student.  There are multiple forms to submit about your schooling, and whether or not your job is in demand.  If their 2008 results show it is in demand, even though there are no jobs listed anywhere, your schooling is declared not warranted and you will have to decide between going to school and only doing night/weekend courses or not going to school at all.  In fact the questionnaire even asks if you would be willing to drop your classes and forgo anything tuition you paid, change your class schedule etc.  I filled out one form and met with someone from worksource, my job was in demand according to the 2008 results and the AA-DT I'm working on right now is not a unemployment approved training program, even though come spring I will be in one.  I could wait and apply again then, however we finally got the financial aid award letter, sat down and budgeted everything.  Long story short, I become a full time-stay at home student.

Staying at home allows me all the study time I want/need.  At times I do wish I had taken a class on campus as I don't leave the house unless we need something from the store.  Every once and awhile I do get cabin fever, but luckily this tends to line up with grocery shopping days, so I'm not going to stir crazy.  Sure I could go down to the campus and study, but then I couldn't be in comfy clothes wear around the house only clothes all day long.

So for now I'll remain happily unemployed, hoping to get into a particular training class this winter, and if I do when I complete that I will look into part time work in the evenings as once the class is over I will be attending classes at EWU and from the looks of it, all the classes I need are in the mornings.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Updated Grades & Interview

My English grade was updated, hopefully transcripts had not been sent yet.  It's cutting it close, but they said that requests for transcripts at the beginning and the end of the quarter usually take about 2 weeks to process.  Grades were submitted August 23rd, and my request to have transcripts sent specifically asked for them to be done AFTER grades were posted for summer quarter.  It may just work out considering that grades were posted 7 days ago, my grade updated 2 days ago, and if we count only business days for transcripts to be processed than there was 10 days of time allowed for the grade to update.  I'm hoping it reflects the true grade, after I receive confirmation from EWU I may call and see if I can find out what grade they show for that English course and if it is incorrect, get an updated transcript for them.

In other news, I have a job interview tomorrow.  I'm excited and hope it works out.  It is a temporary position until the end of the year, but the last one I had was supposed to be that long (2 months or so) and I was there for 2.75 years.  Who knows what will happen.  Part of me would like to stay home and not have to work, but the other part of me is going a bit stir crazy right now with not much to do.  Of course once school started again I would have plenty to do, but in the mean time there is not a whole lot to be done.  Certainly enjoying spending time with the guy.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Summer Qtr Grades revisited

I got a response from one of the instructors of the class with the questionable grade.  It was an error, and it will be fixed.  Of course when she went to process the grade change, Angel was down so she sent an email requesting my SID because with Angel down there is no access to the summer roster.  Of course there isn't.  So hopefully now that I've responded, she will be able to process the change tomorrow.

Side Note:  She said it could take a couple of weeks to process, so since my transcripts are being sent in the next week or two, there is a small small chance the grade will be corrected by the time they go out.  At least I can hope!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Summer Qtr Grades

Summer quarter is generally a tough one and I took 11 credits.  At first I thought what am I thinking?  Working full time and taking 11 credits in a shortened quarter.  I knew I could do it but it would be rough.. it was.  Losing my job at the end of the quarter wasn't to bad, in fact I lost it right before finals.  Weird timing, but hey it allowed more study time.  I worked hard all quarter and my grades reflected it, after everything was graded and posted I had a 4.0, 4.0 and a 3.7.  Today the grades were posted to transcripts.. I had a 4.0, 4.0 and a 3.0.  SAY WHAT?  How did my 3.7 go to a 3.0?  Emailed the instructors of the English class, but now I think I have to sit and wait.  Hopefully it will get corrected soon, however I fear they may not get the emails until September when classes start back up.  I know it will be corrected as it's obviously an error, but in 2 weeks my transcripts are being sent to EWU.  Sure 3.0 isn't too bad, but the grade is wrong.  It shouldn't effect my enrolling in EWU as I don't have to apply for admission. I'm going through a returning student process, the rest of my grades are fine and by the time I enroll at EWU I'll have my AA-DT.  I just hate the fact that one of the grades is wrong :(

The only thing I can do at this point is sit and wait.  I will attempt to call them tomorrow as well if I don't hear back.  I wouldn't be surprised if I couldn't do anything about it until Fall Quarter starts (September 21).  When it gets fixed do I request my transcripts be re-sent to EWU?  I guess that is a question I"ll have to ask the transcript office, or call EWU to find out.

Saturday, August 20, 2011


For the past couple of years I've worked for the same company, albeit through a temp agency, but the same company nonetheless.  Recently they let me go, and now I'm applying for unemployment and because I stated I was a student there is a question about my eligibility.

One form I can fill out wants to know how much financial aid I receive.  Okay, that's not to big of a problem, except the school has not posted my award for this coming year.  Do I base it off what I was awarded last year?  Completing this form may allow me to collect unemployment and not look for a job while in school.  Somewhat ideal as I'd really like to be able to concentrate on school.  However, there is another form that requests I work with the local WorkSource office to complete, and from the looks of it, they may be able to assist with a class I want to take Winter Quarter.  I have a call into the WorkSource office to try and figure out which way I should go.  All of this is annoying, glad that finals are over for this quarter, just hoping the school will post my awards soon, but likely I may have to use last years amounts if I fill out the first form.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Back Again..

It's been two years since I last posted, oops.  I guess time flies when you don't make sure to write a post everyday.  Summer quarter is almost over and I'm excited!  Less excited that I don't have a job anymore.  So we begin the discussions if I can be a student full time and not worry about finding a job right now.  I guess much of that will depend on financial aid.

I should have 2 more quarters at SCC and then I'll be attending EWU.  I'm excited to almost be done with my AA, but a little scared about all the Biology and Chemistry ahead of me at EWU.

Hopefully now that things have slowed down (note lack of job), I will post more. We shall see!